Kids League
Hello, welcome to the Katy ISC leagues, if you want to sign up for this league as a Free Agent, click the red button, if you want to sign up a team, scroll down. Thanks
- Deadline to register: May 20th
- Free practices start on May 24th
- League start on May 26th
- 5v5
- 16 days: 8 Regular Season + 8 FREE Practices
- Categories: U4-5 / U6-7 / U8-9 / U10-11*
- Game times: Thursday 6pm & 7pm
- FREE Practice: Tuesday 6pm & 7pm - FREE 1 hour of team practice per week at our facility with registration*
- $650 Registration Fee per squad (7 players minimum up to 14 players included, unlimited roster with additional payment per player)
- Includes referees
*To start a category you will need a minimum of 4 teams
*Training spaces and times for teams or free agents will be designated by the KISC administration
To facilitate registration, in this form you can register up to 10 players with their basic data, once completed we will send you a link where you can complete the data of your players and add more players to your team.
All kids players who enter our facilities must fill out the KatyISC Minor Waiver, parents can complete it through this link: or parents can complete it when they arrive on the field.
Basic Rules:
- Two 20 minute halves
- Out of bounds kick ins
- Goalie throw ins and can not throw past mid field
- Unilimited substitutions
- No off sides
- Shin guards are required
League Values:
- A positive experience for each player regardless of skill level
- Allows parents to encourage, and enjoy their children's play
- Every child learns sportsmanship and values to be successful in life
- We encourage fair play, positive competition and family involvement
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